Plus, I have to praise their ridiculously large fan base. I doubt the developers are on this forum, but I thought I'd just mention it was released.

I commend the courage to take on a controversial topic and it saddens me that the developers are closing shop after releasing such a great visual novel. But, it seems to have been very sensitively handled and by tackling such a topic, very original. Considering the topic, I was afraid of what they would do with it. I think this one really does raise the bar for free visual novels. But again, everything else is done to a very, very high standard. I understand why they did it, there are so many backgrounds! It actually doesn't detract from the experience, but with everything else about this project done exceptionally well, I would notice it now and then. In fact, the only thing bad about this visual novel (and this is if I have to make a complaint), is the use of photographic backgrounds. I've only had time to read one route, but it was very, very impressive.

I've read and played a lot of visual novels. Then, they have stories that are actually really well written and funny. First, they get the guy who did "Draw with Me" to do fully animated sequences for each girl. Wow.after 5 years of development! I've been playing the all-ages version and I must say.holy cow.